Thursday, October 16, 2008

Brad Pitt to ride Valentinos Championship winning Yamaha.

Valentino Rossi was quoted after practice for the Malaysian round of MotoGP today saying that ''We're looking at ways of letting Brad ride my Yamaha,'

Brad Pitt was quoted in a cover story this week for Riders Italian Magazine, the American heartthrob said ''we celebrities shouldn't worship idols but I have one who stands above all the rest: Valentino Rossi''. See even the celebrities have idols. Brad Pitt will be the luckiest guy in the world to be able to have a girl like Angelina Jolie and ride Valentino's 2008 Championship YZR-M1 Yamaha . I certainly hope they detune the bike for Brad as this Yamaha is a wild animal ready to bite you at any opprotunity. Brad I hope your insurance company payments are up to date.

Pitt has over a dozen bikes in his garage ranging from Ducati, MV Agusta, Suzuki, Vespas, and some Harley-Davidsons customs.

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